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September 23, 2020


Yosemite Dance Company Temporary Policies

Reason: Covid19 Public Health and Safety Recommendations

Duration: July 1, 2020 – Withdrawal of Federal, State, and County Restrictions


Due to Covid19 public health and safety recommendations, Yosemite Dance Company has put some temporary policies in place. While they are admittedly inconvenient for all of us, they represent our best attempt at combining our reopening with doing all we can to keep everyone in our dance family safe and healthy.


These policies are not political, religious, or conspiracy-theory based. They are based on the best scientific information available to us at this moment. They are certainly subject to change as the science evolves and restrictions are relaxed. Changes will be posted on social media, and on the studio doors and bulletin boards as they occur.


If anyone in the YDC dance family is diagnosed with Covid19, YDC requests immediate notification so that we can notify all who were likely to have come into contact with that person.


1. Initially, all 2020-2021 classes will be 45 minutes in duration, with a 15 minute sanitizing break at the end of each class. Note: Ballet classes level 2-3 and higher are extended classes.

2. At the end of each class the teacher will sanitize the studio floor, ballet barres, and all touch surfaces.

3. When Covid19 restrictions are lifted, every class will increase to 55 minutes in duration, with a 5 minute break between classes.

4. Masks will be required for every person entering the studio. Studio staff will wear masks. Dancers will wear masks. We recommend that teachers and dancers carry a spare. Sneezes happen! Masks are available for purchase.

5. Dancers may bring water bottles and dance attire into the studio. Extraneous gear should be left in the car. Water bottles and dance shoes will be placed into the gear bins in each studio. Personal items should not be left in the viewing areas. Make every effort to arrive ready to dance, with water.

6. The door nearest the front desk will be the designated studio entry. Dancers under the age of 10 may be accompanied to the studio entry by 1 masked adult. Extended family, siblings and friends will not be admitted. Older dancers must enter unaccompanied. Every person entering will be required to pause at the front desk for a temperature scan, good health verification, and hand sanitizing. Anyone with an elevated temperature will be denied entry. Masked adults entering with dancers under the age of 8 may observe class from the viewing area only if able to maintain 6-foot social distancing. When the social distancing capacity in the viewing area has been maximized, no additional observers will be allowed in. Our preference is that all parents wait in the car while their dancer is in the building.

7. Studio 1 dancers will exit the studio through the door nearest the pet shop. Studio 2 dancers will exit the studio through the door nearest the karate dojo. Parents will be expected to meet their dancers at the exit when class is dismissed.

8. Dancers with back-to-back classes will be asked to remain in the studio lobby or on the patio until sanitizing has been completed.

9. YDC will not make “loaner dance shoes” available to any dancer until after the health threat from Covid19 is over.

10. Snacks and Water will not be available for purchase. BRING WATER. For dancers with back to back classes, snacks may be eaten on the patio. BRING WATER.

11. ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE MADE BY BANK TRANSFER, CHECK, OR EXACT CASH IN AN ENVELOPE CLEARLY MARKED WITH THE DANCER’S NAME, THE AMOUNT ENCLOSED, AND PRECISELY WHAT IS BEING PAID (For example: Jennifer Lopez, $400, Oct. tuition; Misty Copeland, $275.50, recital costumes; Mikhail Baryshnikov, $565, Feb. Elite).




If YDC is mandated to shut down for a period of more than two weeks, instruction will move to an online format for one month, during which time teaching will continue and tuition will still be due. If mandated closure exceeds one month, YDC will pause all student accounts and tuition will not be owed until restrictions have been lifted.





Yosemite Dance Company is focused on the well-being of its clients and employees. In the view of the CORONA VIRUS/COVID-19 pandemic, we are taking precautionary measures to keep our clients and employees safe.


This Form must be completed BEFORE you and your dancer(s) will be allowed

to enter and participate in activities at Yosemite Dance Company.


IMPORTANT: If you or your dancer(s) is currently feeling unwell or suffering from any symptoms such as fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion, runny nose, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, we ask that you and the dancer NOT come to the studio.


By Signing Below, I represent that each of the following is true and accurate:


  1. I understand that Yosemite Dance Company will be following all COVID-19 guidelines/restrictions. Parents entering the studio must wear masks. Dancers may wear masks. Temperatures will be scanned upon entry. Those with elevated temperatures will be denied entry. Teachers may come into contact with dancers during class when assisting dancers with proper placement. Dancers wearing “no contact” wrist bands will not receive physical contact corrections. Teachers will wear masks or face shields.

  2. I understand that, while the studio will endeavor to curtail transmission of any communicable diseases, TRANSMISSION MAY STILL OCCUR. As such, I hereby release and forever discharge Yosemite Dance Company, its owners, director, employees, agents, assigns, legal representatives and successors from all manner of actions, causes of action, contracts, claims and demands for or by reason of any injury to person or property, including injury resulting in the death of a participant, which has been or may be sustained as a consequence of participation in class, and not withstanding that such damage, loss or injury may have been caused solely or partly by the negligence of Yosemite Dance Company. I understand and agree that this waiver is in addition to and does not supersede or replace any other general waiver or release that I have previously executed with Yosemite Dance Company.

  3. I represent that neither I nor the below named dancer(s) have not tested positive for or been otherwise diagnosed with COVID-19. I further represent that neither I nor the below named dancer(s) have not been told by any heath care provider or Department of Health to self-quarantine or self-isolate due to actual or suspected exposure to COVID-19.

  4. I represent that in the past 14 days, the below-named dancer and I have not, to my best knowledge, been within 6 feet of any person who has tested positive for COVID-19, has been diagnosed as infected with COVID-19, is suspected to have been exposed to COVID-19, or is showing symptoms of COVID-19.

  5. I represent that the below-named dancer and I are not currently suffering from any symptoms of COVID-19 as identified by the CDC, such as fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion, runny nose, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.

  6. I agree that should any of the above representations change, the below-named dancer and I will not enter Yosemite Dance Company without first discussing these changes with Jessica Hansard and receiving her permission to continue.


STUDENT 1:______________________________ STUDENT 2:_____________________________


STUDENT 3:______________________________ STUDENT 4:_____________________________



PARENT’S SIGNATURE:___________________________________________________________ DATE:___________________

Yosemite Dance Company

Contact Us

49333 Road 426 Suite C
Oakhurst, CA 93644

(559) 683-2242

Studio Hours

Monday - Wednesday - 3:00pm - 8:00pm

Thursday - 2:00pm - 8:30pm

Friday - 4:00pm - 8:00pm

Saturday - Sunday - CLOSED


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© 2023 by Yosemite Dance Company. 

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